farm I finished project - design & CONSTRUCTION: 2020-2021
farm II FINISHED PROJECT - design: 2021
farm III FINISHED project - design & construction: 2021-2022
farm IV ongoing project - design & construction: 2022
farm V outgoing project - design & construction: 2023-2024
TOTAL: 72000m²
“Perutnina Ptuj“ farms 2020-2024
designers > arh. Milica stojcevic and arh. Danijela milojevic
Raising healthy and vital flocks
The Investor has submitted a request for the design and construction of a modern broiler farms in Backa Topola. The farms are located away from the settlement, but positioned so as to be near a local road to facilitate communication and transport of poultry.
Ensuring quality in poultry farming requires compliance with certain basic requirements, primarily regarding quality housing, quality feed and a high degree of hygiene in the facility and the complex itself.
In this case the form of the building primarily follows its function and the technology in question, highly demanding in terms of temperature, humidity, ventilation, maintenance of a suitable micro-climate, constant air flow, a high degree of hygiene: all aimed at ensuring the highest quality conditions for raising animals and avoiding animal deaths. The realization and position of the building on the construction lot is in line with the functional and maintenance requirements.
Farms biosafety is a key condition for raising healthy and vital flocks.
This involves fencing off the farms, road disinfection barriers set up at entrances to the complex and pedestrian disinfection barriers at entrances to buildings. The staff and visitors must pass through a changing room and undergo disinfection and a change of clothes prior to contact with the animals. Human access is limited and controlled, the buildings on both farms and environment are regularly cleaned and disinfected in predetermined periods between two cycles. All processes related to farming in the buildings are automated.
All of the above conditions require the complexes to be equipped with the relevant infrastructure, and to envisage sufficient space for the proper functioning of the farms and handling of transport and firefighting vehicles.
Guided by the technological process design and terms of reference provided by the Investor, we endeavored to design a modern farm complexes with high-quality facilities that will meet all the requirements of its future users.