Success Story — dFE & construction
Commercial building “KLISINA“ 2015
dfe - arh. JELENA SAMARDzija
All segments diversity
The building was developed as the new construction of a free standing facility on a corner site in the commercial complex of Klisina in Batajnica. The function of the building covers warehouse spaces, commercial spaces and commercial apartment spaces, with ancillary facilities. In a functional and ownership sense the building is divided into two separate and independent units: Unit A and Unit B. Unit A consists of the commercial and hotel spaces, while Unit B consists of warehouse and commercial spaces.
The seemingly irreconcilable, divergent functions needed to be fit into a single unit - one building, spatially divided and connected by a single wall. This interior joint wall physically separates the building into two contrasting functions, for two different owners.
The diversity present here is also notable on the exterior of the building.
There are two different units of shape: the first - continuous, flat and completely covered by glass, with a wall curtain – a street facade, with rounded sections at the ends of the building, transparent and open to the view of those approaching the building from the street, and the second – a yard facade made of sandwich panels, with flat and sharp angles, forming the fragmented volume of the rear of the building.
The main challenge and a highly demanding task for me was precisely this diversity in all segments of the architecture, stemming from the prior conviction of the authors that it should be interpreted as such, while supporting the main wishes and needs of the investor regarding the functional division and use of the space. It was necessary to ensure all the necessary technical solutions, and the function had to be respected in all aspects.
The recognition of complexity in architecture does not negate what Louis Kahn has called "the desire for simplicity.
— Robert Venturi
Preliminary sketch
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‘‘Design is a intermediary between information and the understanding’’